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Youth Employment Solutions (YES) Program

YES is a service provided to CBVI consumers who have participated in at least one session of WSP, and have graduated from high school.  The goal of YES is to provide an additional layer of support to consumers during the job development/supported employment process.

Program Overview

Through a person-centered approach, a YES Support Specialist will work with and on behalf of a consumer to assess/improve work readiness as well as provide technical assistance while supporting the consumer’s transition to employment.  The YES Support Specialist will communicate with CBVI and connect with other service providers to ensure the goals of the consumer (and family) are guiding the process. YES Support Specialists strive to:

  • Support the consumer (on a path to employment) via PCP approach 
  • Connect all support persons (VRC, Job Coach, Consumer, Support Coordinator, Family, etc.) 
  • Communicate with all support persons to help keep consumers on track and moving forward
  • Share deliverables created and progress made (Discovery Profile, Resume, Customized Employment Planning Form, etc.)

Services Provided

YES (Traditional In-Person) Services

Traditional YES Services take place over a 90 day period. YES services can begin while the consumer is transitioning to employment and waiting to be paired with a supported employment agency and/or job coach.  The services can continue after they are paired with an agency in order to provide an additional layer of support for the job developer/coach and consumer during the job-seeking process. Services can continue after 90 days, especially if the consumer has to transition to a new job coach or SE agency.  

  • Discovery Process/Exploration:Days 1-30
  • Job Developing/Job Exploration: Days 30-60
  • Job Acquisition/Transition: Days 60-90
  • Job Retention/Short Term Follow/Technical Assistance: As needed (# of days TBD)

YES Virtual Program

Like the Traditional YES (in-person) model, the Virtual YES model also takes place over a 90 day period.  It provides consumers with an additional layer of support during the job development/supported employment process. It gives consumers an opportunity to connect and engage with peers and YES support specialists so they can continue on their path toward employment.  

  • Discovery Process: (Reconnect w/ consumers)
    Small-Group Zoom Meetings 2-3 x month (Days 1-30)
  • Soft/Social Skills (Lessons/workshops, discussions, activities, etc.)
    Small-Group Zoom Meetings 2 -3 x month (Days 30-60)
  • Next Steps/Planning (Planning and setting realistic goals)
    Small-Group Zoom Meetings 2-3 x month (Days 60-90)
  • Sharing of Deliverables (Recap of meetings & sharing of Deliverables)
    Via Email 2-3 weeks after the conclusion of the Virtual YES program

Additional YES Services Provided

  • Person-Centered Planning 
  • Deliverables (Created/Updated) 
    • Discovery Profile
    • Resume
    • Personal Pitch
    • Customized Employment Planning Form
  • Job Exploration 
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling 
  • Workplace Readiness 
  • Self-Advocacy 
  • Technical Assistance 
    • Consumer
    • Job Coach/Job Developer
    • Supported Employment Agency 
    • Other Support Persons (from various agencies)
    • Employer 
  • Short/Long Term follow up 
  • Training via The Blindness Learning Community  (for SE Agencies, Job Coaches, Employers, etc.)

Eligibility Requirements

All consumers must be affiliated with the NJ Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired, must have completed at least one session of WSP, graduated high school, and be referred by their CBVI Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor.  


(If applicable) and/or outline the application process (ie. referral)

Contact Information

Contact for questions or inquiries regarding YES.