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Training Videos

Intervener Videos

NJ CSCD Intervener Training Module 1- What You Need to Know About Hearing Impairment
Presented by Eva Scott and the New Jersey Center for Sensory and Complex Disabilities
This video describes how hearing impairment can affect learning.  Also included are descriptions of the biology related to hearing and the different types of hearing impairment, as well as techniques for educating students with hearing impairments.


NJ CSCD Intervener Training Module 2- Vision Impairment
Presented by Eva Scott and the New Jersey Center for Sensory and Complex Disabilities
This video describes how vision develops and the different ways that vision can be impaired, as well as how those impairments occur.  The video also covers how vision impairment impacts learning and some techniques to adapt lessons for children with vision impairment.


NJ CSCD Intervener Training Module 3- Deaf-Blindness 101 Part 1
Presented by Eva Scott and the New Jersey Center for Sensory and Complex Disabilities
This video educates the viewer on how deaf-blindness affects the development of the child.  Contained is information on motor skills, social and emotional development, and early intervention processes with children with deaf-blindness.


NJ CSCD Intervener Training Module 4- Deafblindness 101 Part 2
Presented by Eva Scott and the New Jersey Center for Sensory and Complex Disabilities
This video describes how children with deaf-blindness are impacted in regards to their ability to obtain information from the world around them.  It also reviews some major causes of deaf-blindness and gives some basic tips for working with children with deaf-blindness.


NJ CSCD Intervener Training Module 5- Assisting Persons who are Deaf-Blind
Presented by Eva Scott and the New Jersey Center for Sensory and Complex Disabilities
This video goes over some ways to assist persons who are deaf-blind, including the human guide technique, general courtesy when interacting with them, and verbal narration and description.


Literacy Videos

Literacy- Webinar 1
Presented by Gretchen Hanser and the New Jersey Center for Sensory and Complex Disabilities.
An overview of literacy development and implications for students with significant disabilities, including deaf-blindness.  This video summarizes the behaviors of early readers and writers.  It also covers some techniques for teaching literacy to students with disabilities.


Literacy- Webinar 2
Presented by Gretchen Hanser and the New Jersey Center for Sensory and Complex Disabilities.
A video on using assistive technology and augmentative and alternate communication devices to support literacy development for students with significant disabilities, including deafblindness.  This video gives examples of different assistive technologies to be used to assist students with significant disabilities.  It also includes some techniques on how to use these devices to assist literacy instruction.


Literacy- Webinar 3
Presented by Gretchen Hanser and the New Jersey Center for Sensory and Complex Disabilities.
A video on writing for students with significant disabilities, including deafblindness.  This video describes some of the challenges that students with deafblindness face in regards to writing.  It gives some techniques and strategies for how to overcome these challenges, as well as describing why writing development is crucial for students with deafblindness.


Literacy- Webinar 4
Presented by Gretchen Hanser and the New Jersey Center for Sensory and Complex Disabilities.
A video on building comprehension for students with significant disabilities, including deaf-blindness.  This video covers vocabulary instruction, shared reading, and guided reading.  It also talks about how to use these tools to increase student comprehension.


Literacy- Webinar 5 
Presented by Gretchen Hanser and the New Jersey Center for Sensory and Complex Disabilities.
A video on word instruction for students with significant disabilities, including deaf-blindness.  This video mostly focuses on strategies for early conventional readers and writers.  It offers some strategies for increasing student understanding of how to decode words.